Alicia shares the delicious chaos that is the living of her life as a channel.
February 2023
inspired conversations with em & Kel
What an amazing WOMAN Alicia Temmerman is! We talk spiritual awakening, parenting and creating the space to heal and be present. This is a must for anyone needing a boost.
Spiritual AF!
In this episode we hear about Alicia's Spiritual As F**k! journey and we lift the roof off our studio with a LIVE channeling experience with the beautiful Amaya, one of Alicia's Guides!
June 2023
A candid interview with Alicia. In this energy-filled episode, you’ll hear more on: women supporting women, Alicia’s remarkable story of self-discovery, and incorporating spirituality into day-to-day life
April 2023
THE curious collective
Alicia’s soul mission is to help others to connect back to their souls, to have more ENERGY, to relax into the saddle of life more and to help others gracefully navigate being a ‘human being’ on ‘Earth School’ as we remember who WE REALLY ARE – magnificent spiritual light beings.
27 July 2022
Alicia generously shares her personal story of awakening, from stressed-out workaholic mum to discovering she channels spirit as she hung out the clothes on the washing line!
21 February 2022
Spirit Sisters
the podcasT
The lawyer who channels a team of spirits - the extraordinary story of how Alicia came out of the spiritual closet
25 September 2020
Healing Doorways
By Alicia Marcano
Find out more about Alicia and her transformation from being an exhausted working mother of 4 to a thriving business woman and mum living a satisfying, fun and full of energy life. Alicia will also share her awakening experience in March 2012.
7 August 2021
with lisa winneke
Alicia shares her awakening as a channel, the fear she felt and how she overcame that, to become an infinitely abundant and expansive person in the service of others.
2 February 2021
real & raw stories with sam bowker
Alicia Temmerman is called to do big things on this planet and whether she is working on some not for profit project as a Lawyer or Channeling messages for the highest purpose of humanity, you can expect she will do it with style and flair and in a huge way. This episode will discuss all about beliefs, working on your own vibration and how to deal with negative thoughts
22 Sep 2021
shine love & light on...on our spirit guides with penny
van der sluys
In this conversation with Alicia Dumais Temmerman, a dear friend, lawyer, Mum of 4 and spirit channeller, we explore a new awareness and acceptance that there is another way to view the world. Alicia generously shares her story so we can learn from her experience communicating with the spirit world, and what's available to us when we open our heart and minds, put aside our judgments and beliefs, and consider we are never alone and always supported by a team of spirit guides.
14 March 2020
lawyers for love
Tune in as Virginia Warren interviews Alicia Temmerman Lawyer, who will be channelling spirit LIVE!!! We will see what spirit has to say about ways in which more love can be brought into legal practice and our world at this time.
12 July 2021
the soul stories
Alicia tells her mind-boggling story of working full time as a lawyer and suddenly receiving channeled messages whilst she was hanging her washing out!
18 December 2020
Join Alicia Dumais Temmerman and me as we share our knowledge at the event "How To Harness More Energy To Be A Better Person and Parent?"
Part 1 - 31 August 2021
Parenting from the Energetics and Daily Energy giving rituals with Alicia Temmerman
Part 2 - 1 September 2021
sbs news AustraLIa
How three Australian women found ways to put their health first during lockdown.
12 September 2020
Alicia will share her awakening as a channel, the fear she felt and how she overcame that, to become an infinitely abundant and expansive person in the service of others.
28 April 2021