In this fast-paced and modern world, it seems that so many people are disconnected and lonely. We seem to be losing the art of deep and soulful connection and communication. Statistics about rising rates of depression, anxiety and suicide are alarming. I want to create a space called The Soul Centre in Melbourne to seek to ease this disconnection and to help people to nourish and feed their souls and learn how to have more energy. (Scroll down for some breathing exercises to help clear, charge and protect your energy)

My vision to create The Soul Centre was revealed to me in December 2009. I had booked in to have a much-needed massage.

During this massage, I saw a beautiful building called ‘The Soul Centre’ with a big circular room in the middle. The space is used for yoga classes, meditation, and talks and many other feeding-the-soul classes. Connected to energy this circular room are a number of practitioner rooms for different healing modalities. There is a beautiful café attached and a reading area with walls of books. There is a section for people to work and a room for me to work with couples to help them with their relationship to help them to reconnect to each other if they have lost their way.

I know that The Soul Centre has to be in Melbourne and that it will be a place for people to come and feed and reconnect with their soul, and connect with others on the same journey. It might take years to establish, but it will happen.

The Soul Centre will be a place with intentional high vibrations so people can come and charge their battery by spending time in this positive energy, to help address the disconnection in our community.

I have written a book called PURE ENERGY - The Busy Woman’s Energy Guide to Thrive. All proceeds from this book go towards creating ‘The Soul Centre’ in Melbourne.

It is a big vision that requires significant capital so I will have to start with renting a space that already exists to bring this vision to life, stage by stage. I can already vision this space, so now I am putting it out to the universe to help me to make it happen.

My big big vision is having physical Soul Centres around the world.

Currently, the Global Soul Centre is online in the following ways:

The Facebook page F.R.E.E - Frequency Raising Energy Earthschool with Alicia Dumais Temmerman is a group where I share ‘Monday messages’, Tuesday energy tips, Wednesday love posts, Thursday direct channelings from beyond our dimension, Friday laugh or heartfelt post.

The Facebook page THRIVE - FREE WOMEN'S ONLINE WELLNESS CLASSES is a collective of female wellness practitioners where we offer Free wellness classes. Evening sessions on Tuesday and Thursday at 8.00PM AEST. I also run a Channeled Breath and Energy Class every Monday morning at 6.00AM AEST (Melbourne Time). See the group for the weekly timetable. All previous classes are saved into the group under Units.


Visit my Global Soul Centre website for resources to help people to connect with their souls.

BELOW are some videos of some basic breathing exercises to help you clear, charge and protect your energy (you can also find them on the Global Soul Centre website).

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